
Oak Hall School, 2019-present
Substitute Teacher, Upper and Middle School
Thieves Guilde Productions, Inc., 2019-present
Courses Taught:
Acting I
Acting II
New College of Florida, 2014-2019
Courses Taught:
Tudor Costume Construction
Design and Production: Good Kids
Theatrical Costuming: Design and Construction
Cymbeline Production
Design and Production: Frankenstein
Identity/Intersectionality Monologues
Boy Company and Gender on the Early Modern Stage
Basics of Theater Production
Ringling College of Art and Design, 2018
Courses Taught:
Special Topics in Theatre
University of South Florida, St. Petersburg 2016-2017
Courses Taught:
Theater and Culture
Workshops and Lectures
“Stage Managers Workshop.” Thieves Guilde Productions, Inc., Gainesville, FL. May 3, 2020.
“Directors Workshop.” Thieves Guilde Productions, Inc. Gainesville, FL. May 3, 2020.
“Auditioning for Shakespeare.” Shakespeare in the Park at UF, Gainesville, FL. September 25, 2019.
“Gore Effects Makeup Demonstration.” Jane Bancroft Cook Library, Sarasota, FL. October 29, 2018.
“Using Character Makeup in your Halloween Costume.” Selby Public Library, Sarasota, FL. October 11, 2018.
“Gore Effects: Halloween Makeover Tips.” Jane Bancroft Cook Library, Sarasota, FL. October 30, 2017.
"Drawing Inspiration from the Classics: How Shakespeare can Inform Modern Playwriting." Sarasota Area Playwrights Society, Sarasota,
FL. March 2, 2017.
“Creating a Digital Design Morgue: Using Pinterest in Costume Design.” Digitial Pedagogy Seminar, Sarasota, FL. March 18, 2015.
“Staging Shakespeare's Rhetoric.” Sarasolo. February 25, 2015.
“Brush Up Your Shakespeare: As You Like It.” American Shakespeare Center. Staunton, VA. April 21, 2011.