Wonder of Our Stage, Players Centre, 2019
Photo by Lizz Kleinknecht,
Goddess Imagery Photography
Full-Length Plays
The Aria of Julie d'Aubigny,
the cross-dressing, sword-fighting, opera singer,
wherein she seduces men and women alike,
wins numerous duels, must be twice pardoned by the King, and eventually finds true love.
Cast: 10-20 - Historical Biographical Drama
Julie d’Aubigny was born with a talent for singing, but she was raised as a duelist. She is used to solving her problems with violence, which has gotten her some unwanted notoriety. While gaining acclaim in the Paris Opera, she is also getting attention for her complicated love life: a friend abroad who is an on-again-off-again lover, a doe-eyed man who shares her bed, and a woman she longingly pines for. With a long list of past conquests both in fighting and in romance, Julie, sometimes, has a difficulty keeping the two separate. As her love life spins out of control, she begins to feel as if she is fighting the whole world at once. But if she can find someone who understands her, maybe she can finally have the love she has been searching for.
Salon Reading - Whiskey Theatre Factory, 2022
Semifinalist - O'Neill National Playwrights Conference,
Semifinalist - ASC's Shakespeare's New Contemporaries,
Hero Dogberry
Cast: 11-14 - Shakespearean Adaptation, in verse
In Hero Dogberry, Hero and Beatrice have been masquerading as the constable of the night watch, Dogberry, and his deputy, Verges, while all the able bodied men of Messina have been away in the Princes' civil war. When the men come home from battle, Hero plans to put her disguise away forever in favor of making a vow of "til death do us part." But when she is accused of adultery at the altar, she puts on her disguise to solve one more case: her own.
Selections Featured on Hamlet to Hamilton Podcast,
Wonder of Our Stage
Cast: 5 (1F, 3M, 1A) - Historical Science Fiction Drama
Queen Elizabeth I commissions the notorious necromancer John Dee to play matchmaker in order to find her a very particular suitor. But when John Dee presents her with an Automaton, a man made completely out of wood, the Queen laughs in his face and leaves the newly made creation unable to fulfill his purpose. Unsure what to do, the Automaton stumbles into the theatre, almost literally. As he gains popularity upon the stage, tensions arise with his creator, and he sets out to forge his own destiny.
Reading - New College Conference for Medieval and
Renaissance Studies, 2022
Production - Players Center, 2019
Winner - Players' New Play Festival, 2018
Reading - Players Center, 2018
Joan Faustus, All But Dissertation
The Power Prism of Pandora Paragon
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Sleeping Beauty Isn't Going to Save You